Dr. Paul has written to you that we are heading straight for Super Tuesday. Our opponents are free to beat up on each other and wear themselves down while we gather our supporters and prepare to storm the convention with delegates.
Last night, over 60,000 people stood up and asked for an end to the runaway violation of our liberties. But contrary to the impression you may be getting from the mainstream media, no national delegates have yet been won in Florida. Those delegates will only be awarded between February 6 and April 30 at delegate selection caucuses, and many of those delegates will be supporters of Dr. Paul.
Ron Paul is the only candidate not to give up on any state in the Republican race, and just as we competed strongly in overlooked states like Nevada and Louisiana, so too will we compete in Maine, Minnesota, and other states that the so-called "top-tier" candidates are content to ignore.
Now, as the focus shifts to Super Tuesday, Rudy's campaign is crushed, Huckabee is losing momentum by the day, and McCain and Romney are fighting over who is the most liberal.
We've been here before. In 1776, despite a courageous effort at holding onto the city, George Washington ceded New York and quickly retreated to New Jersey.
We've been here before. In 1776, despite a courageous effort at holding onto the city, George Washington ceded New York and quickly retreated to New Jersey.
1777 brought the British recapture of Fort Ticonderoga, as well as American defeats at Brandywine and Germantown.
And then, during the winter of 1777-1778, Washington and his army faced perhaps their most humiliating moment, forced to endure a harsh Pennsylvania winter with limited supplies at Valley Forge.
The American revolutionaries dealt with their defeats, focused on their goals, and emerged from Valley Forge as a force that would defeat the most powerful nation on earth.
Our momentum is building. Each one of us, from Dr. Paul himself down to the grassroots supporter who donates the last $5 he or she can give, is focused on the goal.
Early in the struggle for American independence, George Washington wrote: "Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages." Even then, Washington realized that a fierce struggle for self-government can only be won with a spirit of determination equal to the challenge.
Today, in the midst of our new revolution, let's consider Washington's words once again. The task before us is enormous. The foes of liberty are deeply entrenched, and they will not relinquish their power without a struggle.
But fighting in our favor is the unconquerable human spirit, the innate desire to be free. We must embrace this inner strength, dig in our heels, and persevere, just as Washington and his rag-tag colonials, the first American grassroots patriots, did before us. And if we must pass through a Valley Forge or two along the way to victory, let those times of testing temper the steel of our determination.
If Ron Paul is to continue his fight for liberty to the Republican Convention, we need your help in two critical ways:
1. Become a precinct leader today: It's easy, but more importantly, it's vital to Ron Paul's success: https://voters.ronpaul2008.com/.
2. Donate: Just as the Continental Congress supplied General Washington's troops in the field, we too must raise as much money as we can to equip our grassroots supporters.
Help us win this revolution and usher in a new era of freedom, peace, and prosperity. Donate today: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate.
Matthew Hawes, Policy Assistant
Daniel McCarthy, Internet Communications Coordinator
Jonathan Bydlak, Fundraising DirectorRon Paul 2008
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