Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ron Paul is a Kook

Well, that is the label Ron Paul's been awarded by the good people who oppose him and his ideas.

But what is a "kook". According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a kook is:

"One whose ideas or actions are eccentric, fantastic, or insane"

OK. So from this definition I assume that the "sane" people are implying that Ron Paul and his ideas are "insane".

But, before I allow myself to be sucked into this belief like a sheep, I first need to validate if Ron Paul's ideas are "kooky". Then I will decide.

To do this, I will juxtapose Ron Paul's ideas (the kooky ones) against the dissenter's ideas (like day and night, hot and cold, etc.)

The Kooky Ideas vs. The Sane Ideas

Freedom vs Slavery

Peace vs War

Capitalism vs Socialism (communism)

Sound Money vs Fiat Money

Savings vs Cheap Credit/Debt

Non-Intervention vs Intervention

Free Economy vs Planned Economy

Surplus vs Deficit

Anti Income Tax vs Pro Income Tax

Independence vs Dependence

Solvency vs Bankruptcy

Deflation vs Inflation

Conservative vs Liberal

Deregulation vs Regulation

Proactive vs Reactive

Decentralized Government vs Centralized Government

Limited Government vs Big Government

Individualism vs Collectivism

Pro-Market vs Pro-Government

Private Property vs No Private Property

Money backed by Gold vs Money backed by Debt

Wow, interesting when you compare the ideas like this, huh?

Ron Paul is a kook...yeah, right! He is actually fantastic!

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