Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ron Paul: Presidential Campaign Update 11/02/2008

Going the Distance: Dr. Paul gives another update on the campaign

Here's the article Dr. Paul is referring to: The Mouse that roared: Why Ron Paul won the election

I like the way how Dr.Paul is using YouTube of late to distribute important information regarding "The People's Campaign". ;-)


If you are a Ron Paul supporter, spread this message A.S.A.P. !


laura said...

Thanks Jake!
I love your enthusiasm and concern for my country. I would vote for you!

~ Aunty

Freemarketman said...

Thanks Aunty !!! :-D

Yes, I have enthusiasm and concern to see freedom restored to the "Land of the Free"

The ripple effect across the globe would be priceless.

Unfortunately this is all I can do to help. The task at hand depends on how much the American people want to take back control of their country.